Auto Accidents – Defective Tires

//Auto Accidents – Defective Tires

Auto Accidents – Defective Tires

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Your Tires Are Your Vehicle’s “Shoes” and the First Line of Defense in Preventing Accidents

Tires experience wide temperature variances as they heat and cool when your car accelerates, brakes, or turns corners. A well-designed, well-maintained tire can withstand these heat cycles just fine. What causes heat? Have you ever bent a paperclip back and forth until it broke? You probably noticed that at the point where it broke, the metal became noticeably hot. This release of heat is a fundamental property of physics, which states that the natural displacement of any physical energy is heating. This principle is the basic equivalent to what occurs in your tire, though at much higher rates. The flat spot on the underside of the tire is called the “contact patch:” which grips the road. It can be likened to that “hot part” of that paperclip we just mentioned. When your vehicle brakes, accelerates, and maneuvers, tremendous amounts of heat are generated in the contact patch. That heat then spreads very quickly throughout the tire, which is actually designed to displace it. More on this webpage
Then, and very quickly, that heat buildup begins to spread throughout the tire, not only from the contact patch but the friction of the wheel itself turning. Just think of the heat that is generated in a “burnout” when someone accelerates so hard that smoke comes from the tire. If that isn’t enough heat, even more, is generated inside the tire as those compressed air molecules continuously collide with each other under pressure that is also caused by the weight of the vehicle itself. Three energy and heat sources are all being absorbed by your tire: a LOT! More on this webpage
These multiple sources of heat produce tremendous stress on the tire, which is why it is constructed to withstand it. Over a period of months or years, these heat cycles will ultimately break down any tire, no matter how well it is constructed. And yet, a common type of defect within a tire is where heat causes rapid or unexpected degradation of the tire’s carcass, which is a huge safety hazard. It also explains the “recommended mile rating” for tires. A tire that has a 40,000-mile rating will begin to physically break down at that point, no matter how well-maintained it is or how safe the driver operates his or her vehicle. So if you are a reasonable driver, and your 50-thousand-mile-rated tires are showing quicker than normal wear-and-tear at 25 thousand, you might have a problem. And if you ignore that problem, is a tragedy just around the corner? Or did it just happen?

Understanding the properties that govern tire performance is essential. Many factors can directly or indirectly contribute to a serious defective tire rollover accident. A tire’s characteristics, the different stresses they are subjected to, how durable they are, defects in the way they are made, mounted or maintained, along with whether the tires you have are right for your vehicle can be contributing factors.

Defective Tire Blowouts Cause Serious Accidents and Often Involve Many Liable Parties

Defective tire accidents often begin as product (or service) liability cases. You, the plaintiff, ideally through the efforts of your Texas tire and rollover accident lawyer, must prove negligence by any or a combination of:

The tire manufacturer.
The auto manufacturer.

Anyone who has serviced your tires is the corner garage to a national auto center.
Suppose your attorney’s investigation reveals more than one liable defendant. In that case, you’ll have a basket full of insurance companies, adjusters, and lawyers coming at you from all directions and all at once. You need an experienced defective tire legal mind fighting for you, who knows how to juggle a lot of opponents simultaneously and is not be fazed by this mob of opponents. They can keep them off your back, and then you are already ahead in winning compensation.

Defective tire blowout accidents often produce the most serious, even catastrophic injuries and tragic fatalities in many of them. With the possibility of multiple defendants, your attorney must begin investigative action immediately. Physical and forensic evidence must be quickly collected and preserved. We need to know the history of the tires from the moment they came off the production line, how they were serviced, and your auto itself. Industry experts on tires, the causes and results of the accidents they produce must be sought-out. All this is done so those who are liable for your accident are properly identified among a large roster of possible defendants. While your attorneys do this for you, your opponents are doing the very same thing together, for you are their common enemy. And they often jointly mount an aggressive defense against your insurance claim or lawsuit.

The tire defect attorneys at our Texas Law Firm have successfully argued many accident cases caused by defective tires and blowouts. We have been down this road many times and know all the steps you must take to counter the tricks your opponents play to frustrate and deny your claim. Perhaps this doesn’t apply to your vehicle. What if your injury or another’s death was caused by the vehicle that hit you? Do you think the insurance companies and their lawyers want you to know this? Of course not: which is why you need an experienced defective tire attorney to investigate this for you.

For decades our Law Firm has helped many victims and their families of defective tires, blowouts, or rollover accidents. If you or a loved one has suffered from such an accident, call us today at 1(800) 862-1260 (toll-free) to arrange a free consultation with our team of experienced accident injury lawyers. We are adept at representing victims of wrecks caused by defective tires and blowouts. We can answer any of your questions about the specific details of your case and help you on the road to recovery.

By | 2023-04-02T17:47:02+00:00 March 31st, 2023|car accident|0 Comments

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